I research how we socialise Economics and design relational learning experiences so Economics can be a useful tool for humans.

‘The economy is a collection of human systems …. Economics is a rich science of human action’
McCaffery, The Econocracy
I want to help people develop a new relationship to Economics, and new economic relationships.
Economics is just people interacting. Economic experiences are deeply relational. These shouldn’t be remarkable statements, but they are. We don’t speak about the economy like this. In fact, we do so in a way that is remarkably inhuman.
Our stories about the economy individualise us away from new forms of economic relationship that can help us thrive.
My Work
My work emerged from a question: Why are the economy and Economics not human-centred? Why don’t we talk about how Economics is design?
It has led to me to pursue research questions to understand this problem better and to making communication, interaction and learning design which makes the economy, ‘the economy’, and Economics accessible.

What if we saw economics as a user-centred design discipline?

How do we experience 'the economy'?

What can economics as a public service learn from past approaches?

How can we make ‘economic literacy’ for everyone?

How can we empower young people to change the economy?

Could there be a relationship-focused economic recovery?

How can we take Doughnut Economics off the page?
Get in touch
If you want to discuss a project or are interested in what I’ve shared, please reach me below.
I love pursuing different ways to have economic relationships. If you don’t have money, it’s not a problem but a design opportunity. Please always reach out if you have an idea.