Things people have said as a result of my work
‘Economics is something everyone should know and learn. Without economic [sic], it’s like part of your body’s not there.’
Father of Year 9 student, schools programme
‘We can’t have the economic conversations that we need if the language doesn’t fit in our mouths.’
Chief Executive, The PSHE Association
‘The economy means absolutely everything to me. I now understand it’s everything from money to how people perceive each other… I think I'm more confident in the economy because I understand how I impact it and how it impacts me.’
Ahmed, 14. Year 9 course graduate
’My view of economics has completely changed. I can confidently talk about economics to friends and family and I now understand how important it is to me… I now believe knowledge of economics is vital as it can help change my future by being more vocal with my thoughts and feelings… It’s important people my age should get something like this as it gives them the knowledge and power to make change.’
Anon, 17. Year 12 course graduate
‘It's what affects you, it's what affects your next door neighbour, it's what affects everybody.’
Nicara, 17. Year 12 course graduate
Systems-level impact
My research is cited in the literature review in a 2020 report carried out by the Office of National Statistics, which sought for the first time to fully review Public Understanding of Economic Statistics. Economy has played a major role in influencing UK economic institutions to consider their communication.
I’ve raised the profile of economic literacy in the education sector, leading to the Association of Citizenship Teaching developing their own framework. In 2019, I co-edited a journal of teaching guidance for economic literacy in the Citizenship curriculum, which was sent to every secondary school in England.
Stuff you can watch
Teachers, parents, students and myself reflecting after the first pilot of the 10 week Discover the Economy Accelerator extracurricular course for Year 9.